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CAN 2.0B

When engineers analyze the data of signal, they only rely on counting the waveform to decode signals and find the problem. It is really waste time and power. However, the Zeroplus Logic Analyzer can not only collect the signals for one time, the special Protocol Analyzer decoding software of Zeroplus Logic Analyzer can also start decoding automatically. It can provide the integrated signal format content of each data for users, including standard type, extension type, long-distance format, error format and over-loading format and so on.



Signal Sum: Can H、Can L Baud Rate: 10K~1Mbps Voltage: 2.5V Area of project application: Automobile computer



DSI (Distributed Systems Interface)Bus, developed by the Freescale, is an Automotive Protocol. It is mainly used for the sensor of the Automotive Airbag. At present, many manufacturers of the Airbag System have adopted the Protocol Analyzer DSI Bus, such as TRW and DENSO (DENSO CORPORATION). The advantages of the Protocol Analyzer DSI Bus are that all Sensors can be connected in serial to do the transmission, and with the help of the Protocol Analyzer DSI Bus, the Senors can be powered on.


FlexRay 2.1A

There are so many signal kinds for special Network , tha normal hasLIN,CAN,FlexRay,TIP/C,SAEJ1850 ,TFCAN,ASRB,MOST and so on , The American Auto Engineer Association (SAE) separates the special serial signals into three classes according to the transmission speed ,there are A,B and C . The class of A contains TTP/A (time Triggered Protocol/A) and LIN(Local Interconnect Net work),the transmission speed is lower . The class of B contains J1850, VAN and low speed CAN.The class of C contains TTP/C, FlexRay and high-speed CAN(ISO11898-2). It is used in the relative parts of Auto safety or higher and more stable system ,such as Power System and so on ,the transmission speed is quicker , the normal speed is from 125Kbps to 10Mbps . FlexRay is one kind of high-speed transmission Bus (10Mbps per channel), it has the characteristic of time-sharing multiple-work and owns the functions of high and stable transmission and debug , it is very suitable for the new generation Auto control system . system .


LIN 2.1

Septmber 2006 LIN Association released the LIN 2.1. It greatly improved the LIN 2.0 in three aspects: add the competition process of Event Triggered Frame; perfect the node configuration and classify the diagnose. These improvements make LIN be more stable and individual. Now LIN Bus is widely used in related products of automobile, such as the control system of car door, car window, etc..



With the development of the embedded Microcomputer Control Technology and the Fieldbus Technology, the Process Control for the modern train has developed from the centralized Direct Digital Control (DDC) system to the Distributed Control System (DCS) which is based on the network. MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus) which is based on the distributed control is a recommended project of IEC61375-1 (1999) TCN (Train Communication Network). MVB possesses the features of high timeliness and reliability. According to the modernization development trade of the train and vehicles and the requirements of the reliability, safety and communication timeliness, MVB will gradually become the communication bus standard of the next generation vehicles.



PSI5 (Peripheral Sensor Interface 5) is an interface for automotive sensor applications. It is used to connect peripheral sensors to electronic control units (ECUs) in automotive electronics. PSI5 is an open standard based on existing sensor interfaces for peripheral airbag sensors, already proven in millions of airbag systems. The technical characteristics, the low implementation overhead as well as the attractive cost make the PSI5 also suitable for many other automotive sensor applications.



The SENT (Single Edge Nibble Transmission) bus is used to transmit high-resolution sensor data from the sensor to the ECU. It can replace lower resolution methods and is a simpler low-cost alternative to CAN or LIN. SENT is mainly used in the agreement of one-way data transmission from car peripheral sensors to the engine control unit, including sensors for pressure, air flow, position, and temperature. After the SENT protocol comes out, equipment manufacturers can modify a small number of designs to meet multiple needs and reduce the cost of the engine control unit.



The Train Communication Network (TCN) can be divided into two parts, WTB and MVB. Thereinto, the WTB is used for connecting the Wire Trains which can be grouped dynamically, and the MVB is used for connecting the fixed devices in the train. WTB is mainly responsible for the communication among the carriages of the train. This Train Bus has 32 nodes at most, and each train can have one or more nodes.