Logic Analyzers-Zeroplus
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Repairs & Warranty FAQ

What is an External Trigger?

An external trigger is a signal outside the Logic Analyzer, which is used for the simultaneous test of two test tools. For example, the Logic Analyzer can be started by one signal from another test tool. Or when it is triggered, it can output one signal to another test tool. The Logic Analyzer is often used for triggering an oscilloscope.

What is the warranty length for my product?

A two-year FACTORY WARRANTY is offered in which you will have to send the defective product to the closest branch, an authorized service site, or our headquarters. The in-store warranty may vary, and many require extra charges for various extended warranty policies. The company is not being responsible for an in-store warranty that exceeds our factory warranty.
Warranty does not apply under the following conditions:
a.Any accidental, misuse or intentional damages causing malfunction.
b.Unauthorized repairing or modification done to the product.
c.Improper voltage supply.
d.Damage caused by acts of nature or natural disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, typhoons and other natural disasters.
In case of any dispute, ZEROPLUS Technologies Ltd. reserves the rights for any final decision.

How may I register if the purchasing date was longer than one month?

In this case, fill in the registration card and send it via post, fax, or email to our customer service department, and a representative will process the registration for you.

What should I do if online registration fails?

Do a screen grab of the window, including the error message, and email our customer service department. A customer service representative will be glad to assist you as soon as possible, once the email is correctly received.

How do I register online? Why should I register this product?

Visit our homepage at http://www.zeroplus.com.tw. Choose the Instrument Department, and click on English. You may also enter the following address: http://www.zeroplus.com.tw/new_instrument/main-member-register.php?flag=insert. Once you finish membership registration, proceed with product registration. After finishing product registration, you will receive an email consisting of your product registration information. A password may be required for further customer services and other inquiries. If you do not register this product, the warranty will be counted from the manufacturing date indicated by the serial number of your product. Thus, we strongly recommend registering your product for your own benefit.

What’s the significance of the hardware serial number (Serial No.)? What should I do if the hardware serial number has been previously registered?

Every product is assigned and engraved with a unique serial number, which allows us to trace the original manufacturing date of a specific product. If the hardware serial number has been previously registered, in this case, take a picture of the decal on the rear side of the product and fill in the warranty. Call us and mail both picture and warranty to us. A customer representative will be happy to assist you.