Logic analyzer is an essential instrument on a complicated sequence of digital events for engineers. When analyzing mixed-signals, digits and analogs, engineers need an oscilloscope and a logic analyzer to trigger on either digital or analog signals simultaneously. It does not only cost money but slow development in project. For now, logic analyzer could bring an ideal solution. Zeroplus announced it’s logic analyzers, A series and C-Series, are compatible with other manufacturers' oscilloscopes, includes Tektronix 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6000 series or Gwinstek 1000A Series. Zeroplus logic analyzer stacks with manufacturers' oscilloscopes and then capture on either digital or analog signals. The user can view analog and digital waveforms together in time on displayer. Requirements: Compatible with above manufacturers' OS. Stack functionality requires Zeroplus OS 3.11 or later. Zeroplus OS is updatable on website: www.zeroplus.com.tw Contact with Zeroplus now for further information by phone +886266202225